Jemima Baar

Jemima Baar

Jemima Baar is currently pursuing a Master’s in International Affairs, with a concentration in International Security Policy and regional specializations in China and Russia at Columbia University. She is a P.E.O. International Peace Scholar and British Universities North America Club Trust Scholar, and will be a 2023-24 International Fellows Program Fellow at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

After graduating from the University of Cambridge with an award-winning Double Starred First in Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion, she worked at the Center for Geopolitics in the United Kingdom, the Center for Advanced Defense Studies in the United States, and, most recently, as a Research Assistant to Columbia’s Professor Jack Snyder.

In summer 2023, she will be a FMSO Research Fellow and a Research Intern at the Council on Foreign Relations. She has advanced proficiency in Mandarin and reads Classical Arabic. Her primary research interest is the impact of the Sino-Russian strategic partnership on international politics and security, from both academic and policy perspectives.