Jacob Edwards

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Jacob Edwards

Jacob Edwards is a Master of International Affairs student at SUNY Albany. He earned his B.A. in International Relations from UC Davis with a focus on East Asian Peace and Security. In 2017, he interned for a county legislator in Long Island, NY. He completed the Summer Language School for Japanese at Middlebury College in 2019 and continues to focus on Japan and East Asian affairs.

His interest lies in naval and military dynamics in the region with a particular focus on the competition between the PLAN and the U.S. Navy. He is a native English speaker along with an intermediate Japanese proficiency.

James Hennessy

James Hennessy

James Hennessy holds a Master of Science in Counterterrorism and Homeland Security from American University as well as a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Minnesota: Twin Cities. While at the University of Minnesota, he also received minors in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Chinese Studies) and a minor in History with a focus on East Asia.

His research interests include Chinese global influence, international counterterrorism strategy, U.S. clandestine operations, Taliban-Chinese relations, and unconventional warfare tactics. He is a native English speaker with intermediate proficiency in Mandarin as well as the Shanghai Wu dialect.

Jemima Baar

Jemima Baar


Jemima Baar is currently pursuing a Master’s in International Affairs, with a concentration in International Security Policy and regional specializations in China and Russia at Columbia University. She is a P.E.O. International Peace Scholar and British Universities North America Club Trust Scholar, and will be a 2023-24 International Fellows Program Fellow at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

After graduating from the University of Cambridge with an award-winning Double Starred First in Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion, she worked at the Center for Geopolitics in the United Kingdom, the Center for Advanced Defense Studies in the United States, and, most recently, as a Research Assistant to Columbia’s Professor Jack Snyder.

In summer 2023, she will be a FMSO Research Fellow and a Research Intern at the Council on Foreign Relations. She has advanced proficiency in Mandarin and reads Classical Arabic. Her primary research interest is the impact of the Sino-Russian strategic partnership on international politics and security, from both academic and policy perspectives.

Ma’ayan Amar

Ma’ayan Amar

Ma’ayan Amar is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Counter Terrorism and Homeland Security from American University. She obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor and majored in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice.

Her research interests throughout undergraduate and graduate school include far-right extremisim, intelligence analysis, international/domestic counterterrorism strategy, and digital footprinting. She is dual citizen possessing both an American and Israeli citizenship. She is a native English speaker with intermediate proficiency in Hebrew.

Sevag Derderian

Sevag Derderian

Sevag Derderian is graduating this summer from Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and seeking to continue his education with a Masters in History. His political and community volunteerism and professional experiences have led to managing academic instructional and operational programs for the Los Angeles Unified School District, San Diego Unified School District, and California State University Los Angeles. He is a native English and Armenian speaker.

Sherry Yu

Sherry Yu

Sherry Yu is pursuing a Master’s in International Affairs with a concentration in International Security Policy and specializations in Technology, Communication, and Media at Columbia University. She earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in International Business Management at California State Polytechnic University – Pomona.

During her undergraduate studies, she initiated a start-up project with NASA Armstrong Center on transforming cutting-edge aerospace technology into daily applications. She then worked as a system engineer/data analyst in the U.S. Navy for over four years, winning a Civilian Achievement Medal.

She carried experience across entrepreneurship, private industry, and government. She focuses on national defense, U.S. – China relations, and East Asia security issues. She is a native speaker of Mandarin with formal translation experience.

Thomas Blathwayt

Thomas Blathwayt

Thomas Blathwayt is a recent graduate of the Pennsylvania State University earning a Bachelor of Arts in both Political Science and History with a minor in Global Security. He has lived most of his life outside of the United States, mainly in New Zealand.

Particular interests of his include the study of military history/politics in a geostrategic context, and the phenomenon of extremism, both domestic and international.

Thomas intends to become a commissioned officer in the United States military. He is a native English speaker with intermediate proficiency in German.

Zach Trebilcock

Zach Trebilcock

Zach Trebilcock is currently pursuing a Master’s in Terrorism and Homeland Security Policy at American University. He holds a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin in Middle Eastern Studies and Arabic. His research interests include the intersection between psychology and violence, and identity development in the radicalization of adolescent jihadists.

As China and Russia have become more competitive in their involvement in the international community, his research interests have transitioned to focusing on their security influence in the Arab world. Prior to serving as a FMSO Fellow, he was a research intern for the National Policing Institute’s Center for Targeted Violence. He speaks advanced Egyptian and Jordanian Arabic, and has an advanced understanding of Modern Standard Arabic.