A People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) 8 round HQ-10 short range surface to air missile system shown on a Type 056 corvette used by both PLAN and Chinese Coast Guard. Other sources note this image as the 8 round FL-3000N short range surface to air missile. However, the FL-3000N is basically the export version of the PLAN HQ-10, with relatively the same capabilities.
“The fact is that this frigate is more like a technology verification platform. Through it, the PLA can test new technologies and designs on a smaller scale and accumulate experience for future large stealth ships.”
An image of a new stealth corvette or possibly light frigate[i] moored to a pier appearing on Chinese social media and blogs has drawn significant attention and speculation. According to the excerpted article published in the popular pro-government Chinese website Sohu, some observers speculate that the new warship will be classified as a Type-057 frigate and replace the Type-056. Despite being smaller than the Type-056, the Type-057 frigate incorporates a unique stealth design, featuring an integrated mast design that can significantly reduce enemy radar detection. The hull’s surface is smooth and inclined, with no edges or corners, which gives it a smaller optical and infrared signature, making it difficult to detect.[ii]
Notably, the ship fields what looks to be the Hongqi-10 short-range air defense missile launcher. However, according to the second excerpted article published on the tightly regulated website hosted by China’s largest multinational technology conglomerate, Tencent, some sources believe the apparatus could be a ship-borne laser weapon system used to counter threats from drones, missiles, and small speedboats. Laser weapons can attack targets at the speed of light, as the first article points out, which significantly improves the response time. Additionally, a high-energy weapon system operates without emitting detectable electromagnetic signals during operation, which further reduces the likelihood of being detected by the adversary, increasing its survivability.[iii]
However, the Type-057 likely lacks combat effectiveness because of its smaller design, which allows limited space for weapons. Hence, as the excerpted article from Sohu speculates, the ship’s existence could serve as a platform to test some of China’s newer technologies on a smaller scale and to gain experience for future large stealth ships, but at a lower cost. There is no evidence that the PLAN will ultimately populate its fleet with this new stealth frigate. However, at the very least, its presence, according to the Tencent article, has “already given people a glimpse of future warfare.”
“我国再添重器,解放军057隐形护卫舰再次亮相!台媒眼馋:科幻产物 (my country adds another heavy weapon, the PLA 057 stealth frigate makes its debut again! Taiwanese media are jealous: a science fiction product),” sohu.com (popular pro-government Chinese-language website targeting a youth and gaming readership), 1 September 2024. https://roll.sohu.com/a/805465679_121966179
It is speculated that this new warship will be named 057 frigate and will shoulder the heavy responsibility of replacing 056 frigate…
The biggest feature of this frigate is It is its unique stealth design – the surface of the hull is inclined and smooth, with almost no edges or corners. This design can not only effectively reduce the exposure of optical and infrared signals, but also significantly reduce the chance of being detected by radar and sonar. When facing enemy reconnaissance, it can almost “come without a trace and go without a trace”.
From a distance, it seems to be equipped with Hongqi 10 short-range air defense missiles. But upon closer inspection, this is most likely an advanced ship-borne laser weapon. This configuration will greatly enhance its survivability and combat capabilities in complex battlefield environments.
The introduction of laser cannons is actually a revolutionary advancement. This weapon is launched at the speed of light and hits the target instantly, which is a perfect solution for the modern battlefield that requires rapid response…
So, what is the significance of the existence of the Type 057? The fact is that this frigate is more like a technology verification platform. Through it, the PLA can test new technologies and designs on a smaller scale and accumulate experience for future large stealth ships. This approach not only reduces the risk of testing new technologies on full-scale warships, but also saves costs.
Source: Meng Yan, “解放军新型护卫舰亮相,一大装置让台媒直呼科幻 (The PLA Unveiled Its New Frigate, Large Device Prompts Taiwanese Media to Call It Science Fiction),” Tencent (China’s largest multinational technology conglomerate, operating within a tightly regulated media and tech environment), 08 September 2024. https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20240906A07E7Z00
At the same time, the frigate adopts an integrated mast design. This integrated structure can significantly reduce radar reflection signals and improve stealth performance.
The most important thing is that an “unprecedented” device appeared on this stealth frigate, which looks similar to the HQ-10 ship-to-air missile launcher. U.S. media speculated that this might be a ship-borne laser cannon weapon system. Generally speaking, light stealth frigates undertake regional defense and maritime patrol missions and may face threats from drones, missiles and small speedboats. If equipped with laser cannons, they can attack targets at the speed of light, further improving the response speed.
Some analysts said that the emergence of this new stealth frigate not only means technological progress, but also a concrete manifestation of the strategic transformation of the Chinese Navy. Now that the Chinese Navy is shifting from coastal defense to blue water escort, this type of ship with advanced stealth technology and equipped with more lethal weapons will become an important pillar of the PLA’s future operations.
But it is different as a test ship. By testing and verifying key technologies such as the ship design and stealth design of the new generation of ships on board, it can lay the foundation for the birth of more advanced ships in the future.
[i] There have been differing opinions on what type of ship this is. Some observers are referring to it as a corvette class and others as a frigate. The difference between the two classifications is that
[ii] For more information and an image of the ship, please see “China’s New Stealth Warship Unveiled: Possible Laser Weapon Testing Sparks Speculation,” Army Recognition Group website, 6 September 2024. https://armyrecognition.com/news/navy-news/2024/chinas-new-stealth-warship-unveiled-possible-laser-weapon-testing-sparks-speculation
[iii] An earlier report published on bulgarianmilitary.com, talks about China putting high-energy weapons on it Type 057 warship. See Boyko Nikolov, “China is Putting High-Energy Weapons on Its Type 057 Warship,” bulgarianmilitary.com, 8 February 2024. https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2024/02/08/china-is-putting-high-energy-weapons-on-its-type-057-warship/
Image: A People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) 8 round HQ-10 short range surface to air missile system shown on a Type 056 corvette used by both PLAN and Chinese Coast Guard. Other sources note this image as the 8 round FL-3000N short range surface to air missile. However, the FL-3000N is basically the export version of the PLAN HQ-10, with relatively the same capabilities.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HQ-10 – /media/File:Type_056_corvette_FL-3000N_8-round_SAM_launcher.jpg